November 15, 2015

Je Suis Paris

Source: Jean Jullien
My dear Nº 14 readers,

Words cannot describe the horrific events that took place in Paris on Friday night.

I cannot even claim to comprehend the level of devastation that grips the families and friends of all who were lost. All I have to offer are my thoughts and prayers, and I stand in solidarity with all who were affected.
The continued destruction of our beautiful world leaves me with a heavy heart, and thus I believe we must strive to counteract hate with further creation—much in the way that Jean Jullien has in his illustration of peace. His ink drawing that combines a symbol of peace with the Eiffel tower has become the universal message of grief, and through art, as simple as it may be, he has succeeded in creating a mode of expression for everyone wishing to express solidarity. Via Skype he tells Slate, "It's an image for everyone. It's not my image—it's not a piece of work that I'm proud of or anything—I didn't create it to get credit or benefit from it. I just wanted to express myself...I would just say that if people have used it so much, and if they felt like it was useful for them to share, then the image worked and I'm happy, so to speak, even though happiness is not really a thought that springs to my mind in such horrible times."
It truly moves my heart to see so many people across the globe sending their prayers to France, and we must continue to support each other through the aftermath of these terrible attacks of violence.

Love from Nº 14.