July 19, 2016

Christina Tosi's English Muffins

Yesterday I devoted my entire day to making Christina Tosi's English Muffins, and let me tell you – they are way better than what you can buy in one of those rectangular paper boxes at your local grocery store! Definitely try the recipe out, because not only are the English muffins  delicious, but the muffin dough is also super pillowy, light, and fun to work with. The polenta that I used to coat the outsides of the English muffins kind of got everywhere, but I had a lot of fun taking these pictures – so enjoy!

P.S. Blogger is glitching out for me, and it says my pictures are centered, even though they aren't! It's really bothering me, so I hope the geniuses at Google fix it soon! But for now, sorry that the post isn't as beautifully formatted as usual ;)