October 7, 2015

Favorite Summer Moments

Hey guys! I know I said that I was starting my blog over, but then I never posted anything... This is not because I've given up on the blog, but rather because I am experimenting with different photo file formats (RAW as opposed to JPEG). It hasn't really been working out for me, and I'm not sure how to edit the RAW files so that they look the same once they are converted to JPEGs. It's really frustrating because the images in RAW look fantastic, but once they are converted, they lose any vividity or contrast... Please bare with me while I figure this problem out. In the meantime, enjoy some of my favorite shots from this past summer—these pictures are especially relaxing because I'm currently drowning in a pile of tests and homework...haha! :(

P.S. I even edited these pictures a little bit using iPhoto, but all the edits seem to disappear as soon as I upload the images to Blogger... Anyway, any tips on retaining saturation and contrast would be extremely helpful, so please comment down below!!